Wedding superstitions

Wedding superstitions


A wedding can be an incredibly important experience for two individuals and there can be many things that can go wrong. Many individuals also believe in superstitions that can happen when things go wrong and in this article we will outline a selection of superstitions that have developed over time that can be used to create problems and luck within a wedding. Read on for a list of the superstitions.

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It has been found that knives can be a gift that can be given at weddings and this can be a dangerous thing that offers negative vibes and bad luck. It is therefore important to avoid putting knives on your present list. Many people may forgot that this could be a problem and will add them as a gift, forgetting the dangers that are involved.

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Many people believe that rain on a wedding day is a good thing and this can provide a cleansing effect for the wedding experience. However, it can also be annoying to have rain pouring on you whilst you are trying to enjoy your favorite day.

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Finding a spider on your wedding dress could turn out to be a terrifying experience. However, many people believe that a spider brings good luck and will therefore be happy if they see an eight legged creature on their dress. Try and not be scared of the creature and you will have lots of luck.

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The sound of bells are often used at weddings as a way in which to create noise to scare off evil spirits and this is especially true at Irish weddings. Many Irish brides also carry round bells with them to keep away the evil spirits.

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Breaking glass is a another superstition that has developed in many areas and this is especially true in the country of Italy. Many individuals who are getting married in Italy will smash a glass and will count the amount of pieces that it has broken into. However, many pieces the glass has broken into will determine how many years the couple are likely to spend together and this is a good omen for those that are getting married in Italy.

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Many people cry on the day of the wedding, but this is actually an important thing to do if you believe in this superstition. Many people believe that crying on your wedding is an important thing to do as it means that you get all the tears out of you so that you can enjoy your marriage without any more tears taking place.

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This is a selection of the most common superstitions that take place within marriages around the world and these have developed over the years. For many centuries superstitions within marriages have developed and it is now more popular than ever to have these take place upon the day of a marriage. A marriage can be a wonderful experience but it can also be filled with excitement and fear. These superstitions will have the bride and groom in a state of confidence so long as they carry them out effectively.